Our Darling Schoolhouse

Hello and welcome! I decided to start this blog to share our learning and nature adventures with my kids. I have a lifestyle blog here  but thought it would be better to have one specifically for home school. This is my first year as a home school mom and it's been a roller coaster to say the least. At first I felt like I had a made a mistake, I mean I was never a teacher. I started doubting myself and thought that I wasn't going to be able to teach my children appropriately. Fast forward 6 months later and we are still going strong. We have good days and we have bad days but my love for teaching my children has grown immensely and I love that I get to stay home with my kids and see them develop a love for learning.  I would say my schooling is a mix of both traditional and nontraditional. We love learning outdoors so it's a MUST for us to learn about nature and have school outdoors as well.  
I have lots of stuff in store from our outdoor adventures to what curriculum we follow and just day to day home school stuff.

Here are photos of our school area back in August, we live in an apartment and our space is very limited but we work with what we have.